Team Member

Sonny Handaru
Sonny is a veterinarian from Surabaya, the 2nd largest city in Indonesia. Born to a family with a local cattle farm background, his father who is also a local cattle ‘middleman’, so since childhood, he was familiar with the cattle market in various regions in East Java.
With this interest, he majored in Veterinary Medicine at Airlangga University in the city where he came from, completed his education with joint research
by taking part in a doctoral lecture on early pregnancy detection in dairy cows using rapid test kits, until the end of 2009.
He started his career at Feedlot in the same year until the middle of 2017, then to several animal feed companies and consultants to several chicken slaughterhouses and meat processing companies in East Java, before joining Ausvet in November 2022.
Outside of work, Sonny is a music lover and performer in a local band with a top 40’s genre.