
Ausvet has a strong commitment to developing epidemiological skills

To this end, we have produced a range of books and software most of which are freely available for download. The Ausvet team has also made significant contributions to the scientific literature, covering the wide range of our skills and experience.

White Papers

Evidence-based medicine in further investigation of the hypothesised relationship between grain-free diets and acquired dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs

A new White Paper from Ausvet and One Health Scientific Solutions

In the veterinary community, concerns have been raised of an association between grain-free diets and acquired dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs. This prompted investigation by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), announced in July 2018.

Observations by veterinary medicine clinicians have driven identification of important causal factors of veterinary diseases. However, it is essential that these observations are subject to rigorous scientific investigation before conclusions are drawn. This approach is the cornerstone of evidence-based medicine, contributes to understanding of the pathophysiology of disease, and informs objective decision making at the regulatory level.

Ausvet and One Health Scientific Solutions are keen to promote the application of evidence-based medicine in further investigation of this hypothesised relationship between grain-free diets and acquired dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs. This Technical White Paper outlines some key considerations going forward.

Business continuity in the face of african swine fever: compartmentalisation and company biosecurity

A new guide to protecting pork export businesses from the ASF pandemic.

African Swine Fever (ASF) has been continuing its global spread, with reports of newly affected areas almost weekly. In the absence of a vaccine, controlling movement of potentially infected pigs and pork products is vital to reducing the spread, but this is causing enormous disruption to trade internationally. This white paper provides some background to the use of compartmentalisation to ensure business continuity in the face of this disease, if it were to ever occur in free countries.


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Epitools is a series of Epidemiological Calculators that are intended for use by epidemiologists and researchers involved in estimating disease prevalence or demonstrating freedom from disease through structured surveys, or in other epidemiological applications.

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