The Indonesia Biosecurity Support Project

Improving biosecurity in Indonesian cattle feedlots, abattoirs, and breeding centres

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) and foot and mouth disease (FMD) are now present in Indonesia. In the 2021/2022 fiscal year over 300,000 live cattle were exported to Indonesian feedlots. Some of these facilities experienced outbreaks of LSD or FMD, resulting in severe economic loss and poor animal health outcomes.This project aims to improve biosecurity in intensive Indonesian cattle facilities to ensure the sustainability of this industry.

Penyakit Kulit Berbenjol (LSD)dan Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku (PMK) sekarang sudah ada di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2021/2022, lebih dari 300.000 sapi hidup diekspor ke feedlot-feedlot yang ada di Indonesia. Beberapa feedlot tersebut mengalami wabah LSD atau FMD, yang mengakibatkan kerugian ekonomi yang besar dan kondisi kesehatan hewan yang buruk. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan biosekuriti pada fasilitas pemeliharaan ternak intensif untuk memastikan keberlangsungan dari industri ini.

Project Outputs

Project progress report

English   Bahasa 

Feedlot Case Studies

English       Bahasa 


Final Project Results


Indonesia Biosecurity Support Project - Final Project Results


37 facilities engaged in in-depth biosecurity consultancy with Ausvet, representing approximately 75% of the industry

65 percent of recommendations followed by feedlots approximately 6 months after the initial risk assessment and site visit

75 percent of recommendations followed by feedlots approximately 12 months after the initial risk assessment and site visit

75 percent of recommendations followed by abattoirs 6 months after the initial risk assessment and site visit

The project has also developed the following technical materials since August 2022 (click to download)


This video runs through the general principles of biosecurity with a focus on foot and mouth disease and lumpy skin disease. This educational video can be presented to a wide audience for biosecurity education to help reduce the spread of the diseases.


This is a biosecurity induction video designed for Indonesian feedlots to use as part of their visitor and staff induction and training processes.

Our Teams

Our Australian-based Project Coordination Team provide direction and mentoring to the whole project team and come with extensive industry, epidemiology, development and biosecurity expertise. Our in-country team maintain close contact with facility stakeholders and key industry groups and provide specific expertise related to commercial cattle facilities in Indonesia. Our Indonesian veterinarians have previous experience working in Indonesian feedlots and abattoirs and work collaboratively with Australian-based consultants.

Project Coordination Team

profile photo of Ben Madin

Dr Ben Madin


Managing Director & Executive Consultant (Epidemiology)

Emma Zalcman


Senior Consultant

Dr Isabel MacPhillamy

BSc (Hons) BVSc MANZCVS (Epi) PhD


Dr Nina Matsumoto

BVSc (Hons) MANZCVS (Epi) PhD


In-Country Team

Sonny Handaru


Veterinary Officer

Firdha Aulia

S.Pt., MBA

Administrative Officer

Prama Rangga Respati


Veterinary Officer