Team Member

Dr Jaimie Hunnam
Jaimie is a veterinary epidemiologist and project manager with demonstrated experience across government, clinical practice, animal health research and agricultural industries. Jaimie has diverse interests across the epidemiology spectrum and is skilled in IT-related business analysis, emergency animal disease (EAD) response, including working within the AIIMS and BIMS structures, animal ethics and the management of animal health and production research.
Jaimie has a strong scientific and business background with a Masters and PhD in Veterinary Science (Massey University, New Zealand) and partial completion of a Masters of Business Administration (2020-2023, Swinburne University).
Prior to joining Ausvet, Jaimie worked in mixed animal clinical practice across New Zealand and is comfortable communicating formally and informally with producers across various industries, including dairy, sheep, goat and farmed deer. While working for a private veterinary consulting business in New Zealand, Jaimie designed and managed observational and clinical studies to a high (Good Clinical Practice; GCP) standard, including drug efficacy and safety trials for the dairy industry.
On her return to Australia, Jaimie worked in state government for over 6 years, most recently as Manager – Animal Traceability and Biosecurity Programs within the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries. While there, Jaimie contributed epidemiological knowledge to a number of emergency animal disease responses, including highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), anthrax and Japanese encephalitis. Jaimie spent 6 months in 2020 designing and implementing a program focused on Australian Plague Locust (APL) surveillance and control in Victoria. In 2017, Jaimie was awarded the Agriculture Victoria Animal Health & Welfare Excellence Award for her contribution to the Victorian bluetongue virus response.
Jaimie has presented at conferences around the world, participated in a number of leadership roles on committees and boards, including animal ethics and university selection committees, and has led teams of up to 20 technical and non-technical roles. Jaimie now works as a Senior Consultant at Ausvet where she identifies, designs, implements and manages projects related to veterinary epidemiology, focusing most recently on database design and data analytics.